Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Client has Changed the Brief

Aha! And oh no!

After feverishly writing for the last eight days, I just realized: I need a brief.

It is one thing to write away like a madman, and allow the story to go where it may, and quite another to have some structure, to make it like, you know, readable.

So…I’ve decided to put the ol’ Strategic Planner/Account Guy hat on to figure out how to organize this sucker.

This means I will probably have to rewrite most of what I’ve written, from scratch, again. Argh.

Sure enough, one week from now I’ll probably decide that a brief is stifling and that I was better off with stream-of-consciousness-type beat prose, which is where I was to begin with.

Hmm. It seems the right brain and left brain are back at it.

Either way, a brief can’t hurt. That’s my plan for the day.

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